sign system BAba


a game of signs, writing and language with no limits and no rules

Sign System B A ba

Sign System is a construction set made up of eleven different shapes.
Straight lines of varying lengths, two slightly curved lines, several semi-circles and a dot. The material used is cork covered with a latex blank,
The look is inspired by the road markings in our urban landscapes.
These archetypal forms, translated into manipulable objects, allow for limitless play. It's about signs, writing, language and non-verbal communication.

Playing with signs

All the letters of the alphabet can be produced using these eleven shapes. The aim is to learn or play with the writing of all languages, starting with Roman characters and Arabic characters.

Playing with language

The Sign System has no preconceived rules.
It's up to the imagination of the player(s) to establish protocols and rules for the game.
Have fun writing words, discovering the words that appear as you manipulate the shapes.
Sign System is a typography in volume made up of autonomous signs.

Invent your own alphabet book

New National Museum of Monaco and Saint-Charles school, Ecoletopie, Monaco, 2024
La Station Artist Run Space, Nice, 2024
Centre Pompidou Metz, The Art of Learning. A school for creators, Metz, 2022
Maif Social Club, Transmission, Paris, 2020
Villa Arson, Fondation Izolyatsia, Régions d'être, Nice, 2020

11 simple shapes, in white cork